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What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning “universal life force”. In English we often refer to Reiki as divine energy, love or cosmic consciousness.
Reiki, in the form of a treatment is a gentle yet potent technique that can be utilised in any situation, for any dis-ease or discomfort.
Reiki is a non-invasive hands-on method of channelling this healing energy.
It encourages the body to activate its own self-healing powers and release any blockages of stagnant energy held on a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level.
What can Reiki do for you?
Reiki can bring relief from aches, pain and illness.
It generates a general sense of well-being and helps improve quality of life.
Reiki has a strong effect when you are feeling stressed and tired.
Reiki brings balance to emotions by clearing barriers at deeper emotional levels and helps release fear-based patterns of thought and behaviour.
Reiki prompts the body to activate its own self healing powers and helps bring harmony to your life.
Reiki helps us spiritually by raising our levels of consciousness and awareness.
Reiki energises your whole system safely and quickly.
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